混凝土结构现场检测技术标准 GB/T 50784-2013 现行
Technical standard for in-situ inspection of concrete structure 收藏









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本标准是根据原建设部 《关于印发 〈二〇〇四年工程建设国家标准制定、修订计划〉的通知》 (建标 ﹝2004﹞67号)的要求,由中国建筑科学研究院和中国新兴建设开发总公司会同有关单位共同编制完成。




本标准主编单位:中国建筑科学研究院 中国新兴建设开发总公司

本标准参编单位:北京市政工程研究院 北京市建设监理协会 北京智博联科技有限 公司全军工程与环境质量监督总站 重庆市建筑科学研究院 广东省建筑科学研究院 江苏省建筑科学研究院 辽宁省建设科学研究院 山东省建筑科学研究院 山西省建筑科学研究院

本标准主要起草人员:邸小坛 彭立新 汪道金 由世岐 崔士起 成勃 徐天平 濮存亭 王自强 彭尚银 张元勃 盛国赛 魏利国 王宇新 翟传明 管钧 李栋 汤东婴 王景贤 黄选明 徐骋

本标准主要审查人员:陈肇元 高小旺 张国堂 冯力强 张鑫 吴晓广 胡孔国 刘新生 吴月华 杨健康 吕岩 袁庆华




现批准《混凝土结构现场检测技术标准》为国家标准,编号为GB/T 50784-2013,自2013年9月1日起实施。







1 总则

2 术语和符号

2.1 术语

2.2 符号

3 基本规定

3.1 检测范围和分类

3.2 检测工作的基本程序与要求

3.3 检测项目和检测方法

3.4 检测方式与抽样方法

3.5 检测报告

4 混凝土力学性能检测

4.1 一般规定

4.2 混凝土抗压强度检测

4.3 混凝土劈裂抗拉强度检测

4.4 混凝土抗折强度检测

4.5 混凝土静力受压弹性模量检测

4.6 缺陷与性能劣化区混凝土力学性能参数检测

5 混凝土长期性能和耐久性能检测

5.1 一般规定

5.2 取样法检测混凝土抗渗性能

5.3 取样慢冻法检测混凝土抗冻性能

5.4 取样快冻法检测混凝土的抗冻性能

5.5 氯离子渗透性能检测

5.6 抗硫酸盐侵蚀性能检测

6 有害物质含量及其作用效应检验

6.1 一般规定

6.2 氯离子含量检测

6.3 混凝土中碱含量检测

6.4 取样检验碱骨料反应的危害性

6.5 取样检验游离氧化钙的危害性

7 混凝土构件缺陷检测

7.1 一般规定

7.2 外观缺陷检测

7.3 内部缺陷检测

8 构件尺寸偏差与变形检测

8.1 一般规定

8.2 构件截面尺寸及其偏差检测

8.3 构件倾斜检测

8.4 构件挠度检测

8.5 构件裂缝检测

9 混凝土中的钢筋检测

9.1 一般规定

9.2 钢筋数量和间距检测

9.3 混凝土保护层厚度检测

9.4 混凝土中钢筋直径检测

9.5 构件中钢筋锈蚀状况检测

9.6 钢筋力学性能检测

10 混凝土构件损伤检测

10.1 一般规定

10.2 火灾损伤检测

10.3 环境作用损伤检测

11 环境作用下剩余使用年限推定

11.1 一般规定

11.2 碳化剩余使用年限推定

11.3 冻融损伤剩余使用年限推定

12 结构构件性能检验

12.1 一般规定

12.2 静载检验

12.3 动力测试

附录A 混凝土抗压强度现场检测方法

附录B 芯样混凝土抗压强度异常数据判别和处理

附录C 混凝土换算抗压强度钻芯修正方法

附录D 混凝土内部不密实区超声检测方法

附录E 混凝土裂缝深度超声单面平测方法

附录F 混凝土性能受影响层厚度原位检测方法

附录G 混凝土性能受影响层厚度取样检测方法





1 General Provisios

2 Terms and Symbols

2.1 Terms

2.2 Symbols

3 Basic Requirement

3.1 Scope and Classification of Inspection

3.2 Programme and Requirement of Inspection

3.3 Aspects and Methods of Inspection

3.4 Plan and Procedure of Sampling

3.5 Report of Inspection

4 Inspection for Mechanical Properties of Concrete

4.1 General Requirement

4.2 Inspection for Compressive Strength of Concrete

4.3 Inspection for Tensile Splitting Strength of Concrete

4.4 Inspection for Rupture Strength of Concrete

4.5 Inspection for Static Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete

4.6 Inspection for Mechanical Properties of Defective and Damaged Concrete

5 Inspection for Long-term Properties of Concrete

5.1 General Requirement

5.2 Inspection for Resistance of Concrete to Water Penetration

5.3 Slow Test Method for Resistance of Concrete to Freezing and Thawing

5.4 Rapid Test Method for Resistance of Concrete to Freezing and Thawing

5.5 Inspection for Resistance of Concrete to Chloride Penetration

5.6 Inspection for Resistance of Concrete to Sulfate Attack

6 Inspection for Content and Effect of Detrimental Substance

6.1 General Requirement

6.2 Inspection for Content of Chloride Ions

6.3 Inspection for Content of Alkali

6.4 Inspection for Alkali-aggregate Reaction

6.5 Inspection for Effect of f-CaO

7 Inspection for Defects in Structural Member

7.1 General Requirement

7.2 Inspection for Appearant Defects Structural Member

7.3 Inspection for Internal Defects of Structural Member

8 Inspection for Dimension Deviation and Deformation of Structural Member

8.1 General Requirement

8.2 Inspection for Geometric Properties of Cross-section

8.3 Inspection for Inclination of Structural Member

8.4 Inspection for Deflection of Structural Member

8.5 Inspection for Crack of Structural Member

9 Inspection for Reinforcing Steel in Concrte

9.1 General Requirement

9.2 Inspection for Quantity and Spacing of Reinforcing Steel in Concrete

9.3 Inspection for Depth of Concrete Cover of Concrete

9.4 Inspection for Nominal Diameter of Reinforcing Bars

9.5 Inspection for Corrosion State of Reinforcing Bars

9.6 Inspection for Mechanical Properties of Reinforcing Bars

10 Inspection for Damage of Structural Member

10.1 General Requirement

10.2 Inspection for Damage by Fire

10.3 Inspection for Degradation and Damage by Environmental Effect

11 Assessment of Residual Service Life Exposed to Environmental Effect

11.1 General Requirement

11.2 Assessment of Residual Service Life under Carbonation Exposure

11.3 Assessment of Residual Service Life Related to Freezing and Thawing

12 Inspection for Structural Properties

12.1 General Requirement

12.2 Statically Loading Test

12.3 Dynamically Loading Test

Appendix A Method of In-situ Testing Compressive Strength of Concrete

Appendix B Evaluation and Handling of Abnormal Data of Compressive Strength

Appendix C Method of Core Modification for Converted Compressive Strength

Appendix D Method for Testing the Internal Defect of Concrete by Means of Ultrasonoscope

Appendix E Method for Testing Crack depth of Concrete by Means of Ultrasonoscope

Appendix F Core Drilling Method for Testing Depth of Damaged Layer of Concrete

Appendix G Method for Testing Compressive Strength of Concrete Outside Layer

Explanation of Wording in This Code

List of Quoted Standards
