建筑给水排水设计规范(英文版) GB 50015-2003 废止
Code for Design of Building Water Supply and Drainage 收藏







标准书号:GB 50015-2003


售价 2700.00

Bulletin of Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of China Promulgation for the National Standard“Code for Design of Building Water Supply and Drainage”



Bulletin of Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of China Promulgation for the National Standard“Code for Design of Building Water Supply and Drainage”

“Code for Design of Building Water Supply And Drainage” has been approved as a national standard,with a serial number of GB 50015—2003,and it shall come into force upon September1,2003.Herein,No.3.2.1,3.2.3,3.2.4,3.2.5,3.2.6,3.2.9,3.2.10,3.2.14,3.5.8,3.9.1,3.9.3,3.9.4,3.9.9,3.9.12,3.9.14,3.9.22,3.9.24,3.9.27,4.2.6,4.3.5,4.3.6,4.3.13,4.3.19,4.5.9,4.8.4,4.8.8,5.4.5,5.4.20are mandatory clauses,which must be enforced strictly.The original “Code for Design of Building Water Supply and Drainage”GBJ 15—88 shall be abrogated on the same date.

Research Institute of Standards and Norms-Ministry of Construction will organize the China Planning Press to take on publishing and distributing works of this code.

Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of China

April 15, 2003

Bulletin of Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of China


Bulletin of Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of China Promulgation for the National Standard“Code for Design of Building Water Supply and Drainage”

“Code for Design of Building Water Supply And Drainage” has been approved as a national standard,with a serial number of GB 50015—2003,and it shall come into force upon September1,2003.Herein,No. 3.2.1,3.2.3,3.2.4,3.2.5,3.2.6,3.2.9,3.2.10,3.2.14,3.5.8,3.9.1,3.9.3,3.9.4,3.9.9,3.9.12,3.9.14,3.9.22,3.9.24,3.9.27,4.2.6,4.3.5,4.3.6,4.3.13,4.3.19,4.5.9,4.8.4,4.8.8,5.4.5,5.4.20 are mandatory clauses,which must be enforced strictly.The original “Code for Design of Building Water Supply and Drainage”GBJ 15—88 shall be abrogated on the same date.

Research Institute of Standards and Norms-Ministry of Construction will organize the China Planning Press to take on publishing and distributing works of this code.

Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of China

April 15, 2003



Bulletin of Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of China


1 General Principles

2 Terms and Symbols

2.1 Terms

2.2 Symbols

3 Water Supply

3.1 Rated water consumption and water pressure

3.2 Water quality and water quality pollution protection

3.3 System selection

3.4 Pipe material,fittings and water meter

3.5 Piping layout and pipe laying

3.6 Design flow and hydraulic calculation of pipe

3.7 Water tower,Water tank,Reservoir

3.8 Pressurizing equipment,pump house

3.9 Swimming pool and aquatic recreation pool

3.10 Cooling tower and circulation cooling water

3.11 Waterscape

4 Water Drainage

4.1 Selection of drainage system

4.2 Plumbing fixture and water lock

4.3 Pipe location and pipelining

4.4 Calculation of drainage pipe

4.5 Pipe material,fittings and inspection well

4.6 Vent pipe

4.7 Sewage pump and catch pit

4.8 Small domestic soil disposal

4.9 Rainwater

5 Hot water and drinking water supply

5.1 Rated consumption,temperature and quality of hot water

5.2 Selection of hot water supply system

5.3 Calculation of heat consumption,hot water quantity and heating equipment hot supply

5.4 Water heating and storage

5.5 Calculation of network

5.6 Pipe,fitting and pipeline laying

5.7 Potable water supply

Appendix A Residential district underground pipeline (structure) minimum net clearance between lines

Appendix B Valves and screw fittings resistance loss converted length of compensation

Appendix C Water supply pipe section Plumbing fixtures water supply equivalent simultaneously outflow probability calculated equation, αc coefficient values table

Appendix D Water supply pipe section designed second flow calculation table

Appendix E Fine drinking water number of taps simultaneously use in the calculated pipe section

Explanation of wording in this Code



1 总则

2 术语、符号

2.1 术语

2.2 符号

3 给水

3.1 用水定额和水压

3.2 水质和防水质污染

3.3 系统选择

3.4 管材、附件和水表

3.5 管道布置和敷设

3.6 设计流量和管道水力计算

3.7 水塔、水箱、贮水池

3.8 增压设备、泵房

3.9 游泳池和水上游乐池

3.10 冷却塔及循环冷却水

3.11 水景

4 排水

4.1 系统选择

4.2 卫生器具及存水弯

4.3 管道布置和敷设

4.4 排水管道水力计算

4.5 管材、附件和检查井

4.6 通气管

4.7 污水泵和集水池

4.8 小型生活污水处理

4.9 雨水

5 热水及饮水供应

5.1 热水用水定额、水温和水质

5.3 耗热量、热水量和加热设备供热量的计算

5.4 水的加热和贮存

5.5 管网计算

5.6 管材、附件和管道敷设

5.7 饮水供应

附录A 居住小区地下管线(构筑物)间最小净距

附录B 阀门和螺纹管件的摩阻损失的折算补偿长度

附录C 给水管段卫生器具给水当量同时出流概率计算式,αc系数取值表

附录D 给水管段设计秒流量计算表

附录E 饮用净水计算管段上同时使用水嘴的数量


3.2.1 The water quality of domestic water supply system should meet the requirement ofcurrent national standard"Sanitary standards for drinking water".

3.2.3 It is strictly forbidden that the city water supply pipeline connects with supplypipeline of private water source.

3.2.4 Potable water should not be polluted by pipes occurrence of siphon backflow.Thedistribution-fitting outlet of potable water should comply with following regulation:

1 Outlet should not be submerged in any liquids or impurities;

2 Minimum air gap between the outlet and the flood-level rim of water service fixture should not be less than 2.5 times of diameter of the outlet;

3 As special appliance cannot reserve a minimum air gap, backflow preventer should be disposed or other effective separator must be taken.

3.2.5 As water supply pipeline are directly connect with following service pipe,backflowpreventer or other effective preventive back flow pollution measures should be disposed onthis service pipe:

1 At the beginning of fire fighting service pipeline, as this pipeline is connected to individually;

Note: Outdoor water supply line connects to outdoor fire hydrant is not included.

2 At the suction pipe end, as the pump is directly sucks water from city water supply pipeline;

3 At the feeding(replenishing)pipe, as the air gap between feeding water or replenishing water pipe outlet of swimming pool, aquatic recreation pool, massage pool, amusement pool, circulation cooling water collecting pool and level of overflow is less than 2.5 times diameter of outlet;

4 At inlet pipe of boiler, hot water machine unit, water heater, pressure water tank etc.pressure vessels or closed vessels, those that are directly supplied from city water supply pipeline;

5 At the beginning starting point of flushing pipe and animal drinking water pipe of refuse treatment station, animal breeding ground(include exhibition zone of zoo);

6 At the beginning starting point of pipe as nozzle are underground or automatic lifter type for green belt automatic spray irrigation system;

7 At the inlet pipe(usually behind the water meter),from various pipe section of ring shaped city water supply pipe net system connecting to inlet pipe of dwelling area water supply, this water supply is a part of ring shaped pipe net.

3.2.6 It is forbidden that the potable water pipe is connected directly to the toilet bowl(channel).

3.2.9 Within 10 m around buried potable water storage tank,there must be no septictank,sewage treatment structure,seepage well,refuse dump,other contaminating source;Within 2 m around,there must be no sewage pipe and contaminated substance.If thecondition do not permit to do so,the protection measure should be taken.

3.2.10 Potable water reservoir(tank)inside the building should be an independent structure,building structure elements can not be used for the wall,base slab,top cover ofthe reservoir(tank).

As potable water reservoir(tank)is parallel with non-drinking water reservoir, each tank should have its individual separated wall not in common with each other, between these separated walls, drainage should be installed.

3.2.14 When nozzle or outlet short tube is connected from non-drinking water supplypipeline,preventive measures should be provided for drinking and using.

3.5.8 Indoor water supply pipe should not be laid above the raw materials,products andequipment which will burn and explode when they come into contact with water.

3.9.1 Pool water quality hygienic standard of the world class swimming race pool,shouldmeet the demands of international swimming league(FINA)with regard to swimming poolwater quality hygienic standard.

3.9.3 The quality of primary filling and operational replenishing water of swimming pooland aquatic recreation pool should meet the demands of current"Sanitary standards fordrinking water".

3.9.4 The quality of drinking,showering etc.domestic consumption water should meetthe demand of current"Sanitary standards for drinking water".

3.9.9 Circulation water pump of slide track lubricating water system of aquatic recreationpool,stand-by pump must be provided.

3.9.12 Water of swimming pool and aquatic recreation pool must proceed disinfenction bactericidal treatment.

3.9.14 When liquid chlorine bottle is used for disinfections,chlorine should be proceeded with negative pressure automatic dosage,chlorine directly dosed into swimming pool wateris prohibited.Chlorine room should be disinfected,fire proof and with explosion preventive device and comply with relevant current code regulations.

3.9.22 Foot submerged disinfected basin should be provided at the entrance passage ofswimming pool and aquatic recreation pool.

3.9.24 Dive pool for match must equipped with wave making equipment.

3.9.27 Water depth for children pool must not be greater than 0.6m,when one pool fordifferent ages,rail separators should be provided.

4.2.6 Plumbing fixture without water lock connects with domestic sewer or other drain-pipe with harmful gas,water lock must be provided underneath its outlet,the depth of wa-ter lock must not be less than 50mm.

4.3.5 The drainage pipe must not be managed over the row material,products and equip-ment that will burn,explode when they fall into contact with water.

4.3.6 The drainage horizontal pipe must not be managed over the place in dinning hall,canteen's kitchen where the staple and non-staple food are to be prepared.If conditions donot permit, correspondent protective measures must be taken.

4.3.13 Drainage pipe of following structures and facilities must not be directly with sewagewaste pipe system,indirect drainage system should be adopted:

1 Sluice pipe and overflow pipe of domestic drinking water storage tank(reservoir).

2 Drainage of boiler, hot-water heater.

3 Drainage of hospital bactericidal disinfection equipment.

4 Drainage of cool condensed water of evaporation cooler, air-condition equipment.

5 Drainage of ground surface of cold storage of food or beverage and drainage of melted frost water pan of cold air machine.

4.3.19 Indoor drain ditch and outdoor drainage Junction,water lock device should beprovided.

4.5.9 Floor drain with water lock its depth must not be less than 50mm.

4.8.4 The distance between septic tank and intake structure of ground water must not beless than 30m.

4.8.8 Hospital sewage must be disinfected.After disinfecting,the water quality should com-ply with current"Requirements for medical organization sewage discharge".

5.4.5 Burning gas water heater,electric water heater must be attached with equipmentssafety use guarantee.Installation of direct exhausted burning gas water heater which can ac-cumulate poison gas in the occupation space are strictly prohibited in the bathroom.

5.4.20 Valve must not be installed on the expansion pipe.

3.2.1 生活给水系统的水质,应符合现行的国家标准 《生活饮用水卫生标准》的要求。

3.2.3 城市给水管道严禁与自备水源的供水管道直接连接。

3.2.4 生活饮用水不得因管道产生虹吸回流而受污染,生活饮用水管道的配水件出水口应符合下列规定:

1 出水口不得被任何液体或杂质所淹没;

2 出水口高出承接用水容器溢流边缘的最小空气间隙,不得小于出水口直径的2.5倍;

3 特殊器具不能设置最小空气间隙时,应设置管道倒流防止器或采取其他有效的隔断措施。

3.2.5 从给水管道上直接接出下列用水管道时,应在这些用水管道上设置管道倒流防止器或其他有效的防止倒流污染的装置:

1 单独接出消防用水管道时,在消防用水管道的起端;


2 从城市给水管道上直接吸水的水泵,其吸水管起端;

3 当游泳池、水上游乐池、按摩池、水景观赏池、循环冷却水集水池等的充水或补水管道出口与溢流水位之间的空气间隙小于出口管径2.5倍时,在充(补)水管上;

4 由城市给水管直接向锅炉、热水机组、水加热器、气压水罐等有压容器或密闭容器注水的注水管上;

5 垃圾处理站、动物养殖场(含动物园的饲养展览区)的冲洗管道及动物饮水管道的起端;

6 绿地等自动喷灌系统,当喷头为地下式或自动升降式时,其管道起端;

7 从城市给水环网的不同管段接出引入管向居住小区供水,且小区供水管与城市给水管形成环状管网时,其引入管上(一般在总水表后)。

3.2.6 严禁生活饮用水管道与大便器 (槽)直接连接。

3.2.9 埋地式生活饮用水贮水池周围 10m以内,不得有化粪池、污水处理构筑物、渗水井、垃圾堆放点等污染源;周围2m以内不得有污水管和污染物。当达不到此要求时,应采取防污染的措施。

3.2.10 建筑物内的生活饮用水水池 (箱)体,应采用独立结构形式,不得利用建筑物的本体结构作为水池 (箱)的壁板、底板及顶盖。


3.2.14 在非饮用水管道上接出水嘴或取水短管时,应采取防止误饮误用的措施。

3.5.8 室内给水管道不得布置在遇水会引起燃烧、爆炸的原料、产品和设备的上面。

3.9.1 世界级比赛用游泳池的池水水质卫生标准,应符合国际游泳协会 (FINA)关于游泳池池水水质卫生标准的规定。

3.9.3 游泳池和水上游乐池的初次充水和使用过程中的补充水水质,应符合现行的《生活饮用水卫生标准》的要求。

3.9.4 游泳池和水上游乐池的饮水、淋浴等生活用水水质,应符合现行的 《生活饮用水卫生标准》的要求。

3.9.9 水上游乐池滑道润滑水系统的循环水泵,必须设置备用泵。

3.9.12 游泳池和水上游乐池的池水必须进行消毒杀菌处理。

3.9.14 使用瓶装氯气消毒时,氯气必须采用负压自动投加方式,严禁将氯直接注入游泳池水中的投加方式。加氯间应设置防毒、防火和防爆装置,并符合有关现行规范的规定。

3.9.22 进入公共游泳池和水上游乐池的通道,应设置浸脚消毒池。

3.9.24 比赛用跳水池必须设置水面制波装置。

3.9.27 儿童游泳池的水深不得大于 0.6m,当不同年龄段所用的池子合建在一起时,应采用栏杆将其分隔开。

4.2.6 构造内无存水弯的卫生器具与生活污水管道或其他可能产生有害气体的排水管道连接时,必须在排水口以下设存水弯。存水弯的水封深度不得小于50mm。

4.3.5 室内排水管道不得布置在遇水会引起燃烧、爆炸的原料、产品和设备的上面。

4.3.6 排水横管不得布置在食堂、饮食业厨房的主副食操作烹调备餐的上方。当受条件限制不能避免时,应采取防护措施。

4.3.13 下列构筑物和设备的排水管不得与污废水管道系统直接连接,应采取间接排水的方式:

1 生活饮用水贮水箱(池)的泄水管和溢流管;

2 开水器、热水器排水;

3 医疗灭菌消毒设备的排水;

4 蒸发式冷却器、空调设备冷凝水的排水;

5 贮存食品或饮料的冷藏库房的地面排水和冷风机溶霜水盘的排水。

4.3.19 室内排水沟与室外排水管道连接处,应设水封装置。

4.5.9 带水封的地漏水封深度不得小于50mm。

4.8.4 化粪池距离地下水取水构筑物不得小于30m。

4.8.8 医院污水必须进行消毒处理。处理后的水质,按排放条件应符合现行的《医疗机构污水排放要求》。

5.4.5 燃气热水器、电热水器必须带有保证使用安全的装置。严禁在浴室内安装直接排气式燃气热水器等在使用空间内积聚有害气体的加热设备。

5.4.20 膨胀管上严禁装设阀门。
