工程结构可靠性设计统一标准(英文版) GB 50153-2008 现行
Unified Standard for Reliability Design of Engineering Structures 收藏



主编部门:China Academy of Building Research

主编单位:China Academy of Building Research

主要起草人:Yuan Zhenlong,Shi Zhihua,Li Mingshun,Hu Dexin,Chen Jifa,Li Yungui,Di Xiaotan,Liu Xiaoguang,Li Tiefu,Zhang Yuling,Zhao Junli,Du Tingrui,Yang Songquan,Shen Yisheng,Zhou Jianping,Lei Xingshun,Gong Jinxin,Yao Jitao,Bao Weigang,Yao Mingchu,Liu Xila,Shao Zhuomin,Zhao Guofan

出版社:China Architecture&Building Press

标准书号:GB 50153-2008


售价 310.50

This standard was revised by borrowing actively from the international standard ISO 2394:1998 "General Principles for Structural Reliability" issued by International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the European standard EN 1990:2002 "Bases of Structural Design" approved by European Committee for Standardization (CEN),carrying out the principle of preceding from the actual conditions of China carefully,summing up the practical experience of Chinas large-scale engineering and carrying through the guiding principle of sustainable development.There have been some significant extensions in this revised new standard over its previous edition.This revised new standard specifies the basic contents on the design basis of engineering structures and is a basic standard for design of engineering structures.

This standard is applicable to design of the members of the whole structures,their components and the foundations;to the design of structures for construction-and service periods;and to the reliability assessment of the structures.

According to the requirements of Document Jian Biao [2003] No.102 issued by the Ministry of Construction—"Notice on Printing the Development and Revision Plan of National Engineering Construction Standards in 2002 and 2003",China Academy of Building Research made a comprehensive revision for the national standard "Unified Standard for Reliability Design of Engineering Structures" GB 50153-92 jointly with the departments concerned.

This standard was revised by borrowing actively from the international standard ISO 2394:1998 "General Principles for Structural Reliability" issued by International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the European standard EN 1990:2002 "Bases of Structural Design" approved by European Committee for Standardization (CEN),carrying out the principle of preceding from the actual conditions of China carefully,summing up the practical experience of Chinas large-scale engineering and carrying through the guiding principle of sustainable development.There have been some significant extensions in this revised new standard over its previous edition.This revised new standard specifies the basic contents on the design basis of engineering structures and is a basic standard for design of engineering structures.

This revised new standard uniformly specifies the fundamentals,basic requirements and basic methods for the design of engineering structures in various civil engineering fields such as architectural engineering,railway engineering,highway engineering,harbor and harbor engineering and water conservancy hydroelectric engineering,in order to make these=engineering fields be provided with consistency and coordination on processing the structural reliability problem and link them up to the world.General requirements for the design of engineering structures in various civil engineering fields are included in the text of this standard,while the specific requirements for special branches and problems are included in the Appendixes.The main contents of this standard are as follows:General Provisions,Terms and Symbols,Basic Provisions,Limit State Design Principles,Actions and Environmental Influence on the Structure,Material and Geotechnical Properties/Geometrical Parameters,Structural Analysis and Test-assisted Design and Partial Factor Design Methods.

The bold provisions in this standard are compulsory provisions and must be enforced strictly.

Ministry of Housing and Urban-rural Development is in charge of the administration of this standard and the explanation of compulsory provisions.And China Academy of Building Research is responsible for the explanation for the specific technical contents.In order to improve the standard quality,all relevant organizations are kindly requested to sum up and accumulate-experience in practices during the process of implementation of this standard.The relevant opinions and advice,whenever necessary,may be posted or passed on to China Academy of Building Research (Address:No.30,North Third Ring East Road,Beijing,100013,China) for future reference.

Chief Development Organization of this standard:

China Academy of Building Research

Participating Development Organizations of this standard:

China Academy of Railway Sciences

The Third Railway Survey and Design Institute Group Co.,Ltd.

CCCC Highway Consultants Co.,Ltd.

China Communications Water Transportation Planning and Design Institure Co.,Ltd.

Hydropower and Water Resources Planning and Design General Institute,Ministry of Electric Power

Water Resources and Hydropower Planning and Design General Instit ute,Ministry of Water Resources

Dalian University of Technology

Xi′an University of Architecture and Technology

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

China Association for Engineering Construction Standardization

Chief Drafting Staff of this standard:

Yuan Zhenlong Shi Zhihua Li Mingshun Hu Dexin Chen Jifa Li Yungui Di Xiaotan Liu Xiaoguang Li Tiefu Zhang Yuling Zhao Junli Du Tingrui Yang Songquan Shen Yisheng Zhou Jianping Lei Xingshun Gong Jinxin Yao Jitao Bao Weigang Yao Mingchu Liu Xila Shao Zhuomin Zhao Guofan

Announcement of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China


Announcement of Publishing the National Standard Unified Standard for Reliability Design of Engineering Structures

Unified Standard for Reliability Design of Engineering Structures has been approved as a national standard with a serial number of GB 50153-2008.It will be implemented on July 1,2009.Therein,Articles 3.2.1 and 3.3.1 are compulsory provisions and must be enforced strictly.The original GB 50153-92 Unified Standard for Reliability Design of Engineering Structures shall be abolished simultaneously.

Authorized by Research Institute of Standards&Norms of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China,this Standard is published by China Architecture&Building Press.

Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China

November 12,2008


Announcement of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China


1 General Provisions

2 Terms and Symbols

2.1 Terms

2.2 Symbols

3 Basic Provisions

3.1 Basic Requirements

3.2 Safety Classes and Reliability

3.3 Design Working Life and Durability

3.4 Reliability Management

4 Principles For Limit State Design

4.1 Limit States

4.2 Design Situations

4.3 Limit State Design

5 Actions on the Structure and Environmental Influence

5.1 General Requirements

5.2 Actions on the Structure

5.3 Environmental Influence

6 Material and Geotechnical Properties and Geometrical Parameters

6.1 Materials and Geotechnical Properties

6.2 Geometrical Parameters

7 Structural Analysis and Test-assisted Design

7.1 General Requirements

7.2 Structural Model

7.3 Action Model

7.4 Analysis Method

7.5 Test-assisted Design

8 Partial Factor Design Methods

8.1 General Requirements

8.2 Ultimate Limit States

8.3 Serviceability Limit States

Appendix A Special Provisions for Various Engineering Structures

A.1 Special Provisions for Building Structures

A.2 Special Provisions for Railway Bridge and Culvert Structures

A.3 Special Provisions for Highway Bridge and Culvert Structures

A.4 Special Provisions for Port and Harbor Structures

Appendix B Quality Control

B.1 Requirements for Quality Control

B.2 Design Inspection and Construction Supervision

Appendix C Action Examples and Principle for Determination of Representative Value of a Variable Action

C.1 Action Examples

C.2 Principle for Determination of the Representative Value of a Variable Action

Appendix D Test-Assisted Design

D.1 General Requirements

D.2 Statistical Assessment Principle of Test Result

D.3 Statistical Assessment of the Design Value of Single Performance Index

Appendix E Basis for Structural Reliability Analysis and Design

E.1 General Requirements

E.2 Calculation of Structural Reliability Index

E.3 Calibration of Structural Reliability

E.4 Design Based on Reliability Index

E.5 Determination of Partial Factors

E.6 Determination of Combination Value Factor

Appendix F Verification of Fatigue Reliability of Structure

F.1 General Requirements

F.2 Fatigue Action

F.3 Fatigue Resistance

F.4 Verification of Fatigue Reliability

Appendix G Reliability Assessment of Existing Structures

G.1 General Requirements

G.2 Safety Assessment

G.3 Serviceability Assessment

G.4 Durability Assessment

G.5 Disaster Resistance Capacity Assessment

Explanation of Wording in This Standard

3.2.1 Different safety classes shall be adopted in the design of engineering structures according tothe consequences(such as imperil the life of a person, create economic loss, and influence the society or environment)that possibly occur for the structural damages.The division for safety classes of the engineering structures shall be in accordance with those specified in Table 3.2.1.

3.3.1 The design working life of structures shall be specified in the design of engineering structures.
