公共建筑节能设计标准(英文版) GB 50189-2015 现行
Design Standard for Energy Efficiency of Public Buildings 收藏



主编部门:Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China

主编单位:China Academy of Building Research

主要起草人:Xu Wei,Zou Yu,Xu Hongqing,Wan Shuie,Pan Yungang,Shou Weiwei,Chen Qi,Xu Feng,Feng Ya,Gu Fang,Che Xueya,Liu Peng,Wang Qian,Jin Lina,Long Weiding,Zhao Xiaoyu,Liu Mingming,Liu Ming,Mao Hongwei,Zhou Hui,Yu Xiaoming,Ma Youcai,Chen Zuming,Ding Lixing,Liu Junyue,Chen Xi,Sun Deyu,Yang Liming,Shi Minqi,Zhong Ming,Shi Wen,Ban Guangsheng,Shao Kangwen,Liu Qiyao,Chen Jin,Zeng Xiaowu,Tian Hui,Chen Linan,Li Feilong,Wei Hedong,Huang Zhenli,Wang Biling,Liu Zongjiang


标准书号:GB 50189-2015


售价 331.20

Main technical contents of this standard:1.General Provisions;2.Terms;3.Building and Envelope Thermal Design;4.Heating,Ventilation and Air Conditioning;5.Water Supply and Drainage;6.Electric;7.Renewable Energy Application.

This standard is applicable to energy efficiency design for new,extended and renovated public buildings.

According to the requirements of "Notice on Printing Development and Revision Plan of National Engineering Construction Standards and Codes in 2012" (JIANBIAO [2012] No.5)issued by Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the people's Republic of China,this standard is revised by the standard drafting group on the basis of extensive investigation and careful summarization of practical experience and by referring to the relevant international and foreign advanced standards and widely soliciting for opinions.

Main technical contents of this standard:1.General Provisions;2.Terms;3.Building and Envelope Thermal Design;4.Heating,Ventilation and Air Conditioning;5.Water Supply and Drainage;6.Electric;7.Renewable Energy Application.

Main technical contents revised in this standard are:1.setting up a typical public building model database representing characteristics and distribution characteristics of public buildings in China,on such basis determining the goal of energy efficiency of this standard;2.updating building envelope thermal performance limits and cooling source energy efficiency limits,and making requirements respectively according to building classification and building thermal zones;3.adding precondition for building envelope trade-off,supplementing and subdividing the requirements of trade-off calculation software and input and output content;4.adding relevant requirements of water supply and drainage system,electrical system and renewable energy application.

The provisions printed in bold type in this standard are compulsory and must be enforced strictly.

Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development is in charge of the administration of this standard and the explanation of the compulsory provisions.China Academy of Building Research is responsible for the explanation of specific technical contents.If there is any comment or suggestion during the process of implementing this standard,please send it to the drafting group forDesign Standard for Energy Efficiency of Public Buildingsof China Academy of Building Research (address:No.30,North 3rd Ring East Road,100013,Beijing).

Chief Development Organization:China Academy of Building Research

Participating Development Organizations:Beijing Institute of Architectural Design China Architecture Design and Research Group Shanghai Construction Design and Research Institute Co.,Ltd.China Southwest Architectural Design&Research Institute Co.,Ltd.Tianjin Architecture Design Institute Tongji University Architectural Design(Group)Co.,Ltd.(TJAD) Northwestern Architectural Design Institute Co.,Ltd.China Northeast Architectural Design&Research Institute Co.,Ltd.Sino-German College Applied Sciences of Tongji University Shenzhen Institute of Building Research Shanghai Academy of Building Research Xinjiang Architecture Design&Research Institute China Construction Design International(CCDI) Shandong Provincial Architectural Design Institute Central-South Architectural Design Institute Co.,Ltd.Architect Design&Research Institute of South China University of Technology Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering Technavotor International Limited Carrier Air Conditioning Sales&Service(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd.Trane Air Conditioning(China)Co.,Ltd.Daikin(China)Investment Co.,Ltd.Johnson Controls Building Equipment Technology(Wuxi)Co.,Ltd.Beijing JEG New Energy Tech.Development Co.,Ltd.Beijing Siemens Cerberus Electronics Ltd.(BSCE) Beijing GBSWARE Software Co.,Ltd.Gree Electric Appliances,Inc.of Zhuhai Shenzhen Fangda Building Technology Group Co.,Ltd.Owens Corning(China)Investment Co.,Ltd.MENRED Group Guangdong AKE Technology Co.,Ltd.Orient Sundar Windoor Group Beijing Zhenli Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Technology Co.,Ltd.

Chief Drafting Staff:Xu Wei Zou Yu Xu Hongqing Wan Shuie Pan Yungang Shou Weiwei Chen Qi Xu Feng Feng Ya Gu Fang Che Xueya Liu Peng Wang Qian Jin Lina Long Weiding Zhao Xiaoyu Liu Mingming Liu Ming Mao Hongwei Zhou Hui Yu Xiaoming Ma Youcai Chen Zuming Ding Lixing Liu Junyue Chen Xi Sun Deyu Yang Liming Shi Minqi Zhong Ming Shi Wen Ban Guangsheng Shao Kangwen Liu Qiyao Chen Jin Zeng Xiaowu Tian Hui Chen Linan Li Feilong Wei Hedong Huang Zhenli Wang Biling Liu Zongjiang

Chief Examiners of This Standard:Lang Siwei Sun Minsheng Jin Hongxiang Xu Huadong Zhao Li Dai Deci Wu Xueling Zhang Xu Zhao Shihuai Zhi Jianmin Wang Suying

Announcement of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China


Announcement of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development on Publishing the National Standard Design Standard for Energy Efficiency of Public Buildings

Design Standard for Energy Efficiency of Public Buildings has been approved as a national standard with a serial number of GB 50189-2015 and shall be implemented from October 1,2015.Thereinto,articles 3.2.1, 3.2.7, 3.3.1, 3.3.2, 3.3.7, 4.1.1, 4.2.2, 4.2.3, 4.2.5, 4.2.8, 4.2.10, 4.2.14, 4.2.17, 4.2.19, 4.5.2, 4.5.4 and 4.5.6 are mandatory provisions and must be enforced strictly.Former Design Standard for Energy Efficiency of Public Buildings (GB 50189-2005) shall be abolished simultaneously.

Authorized by Research Institute of Standards&Norms,this standard is published and distributed by China Architecture&Building Press.

Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China

February 2,2015


Announcement of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China


1 General Provisions

2 Terms

3 Building and Envelope Thermal Design

3.1 General Requirements

3.2 Architectural Design

3.3 Building Envelope Thermal Design

3.4 Building Envelope Thermal Performance Trade-off

4 Heating,Ventilation and Air Conditioning

4.1 General Requirements

4.2 Heating and Cooling Source

4.3 Transmission and Distribution System

4.4 Terminal System

4.5 Monitor,Control and Measure

5 Water Supply and Drainage

5.1 General Requirements

5.2 Water Supply and Drainage System

5.3 Service Water Heating

6 Electric

6.1 General Requirements

6.2 Power Supply and Distribution System

6.3 Lighting

6.4 Electric Power Supervision and Measure

7 Renewable Energy Application

7.1 General Requirements

7.2 Solar Energy Application

7.3 Ground Source Heat Pump System

Appendix A Calculation of Mean Heat Transfer Coefficient of External Walls

Appendix B Building Envelope Thermal Performance Trade-off

Appendix C Building Envelope Thermal Performance Compliance Form

Appendix D Insulation Thickness of Pipes,Ducts and Equipment

Explanation of Wording in This Standard

List of Quoted Standards

3.2.1 Shape factor of public buildings in severe cold and cold zone must be in accordance with thosespecified in Table 3.2.1.

3.2.7 Transparent area on the roof of Category A public buildings must not be greater than 20%ofthe total roof area.Otherwise, trade-off must be carried out according to the method specified in this standard.

3.3.1 According to climate zones of building thermal design, building envelope thermal performanceof Category A public buildings must meet the requirements of Tables respectively.Trade-off must be carried out according to the method specified in this standard if it fails to meet the requirements of this article.

3.3.2 Building envelope thermal performance of Category B public buildings must be in accordancewith those specified in Tables 3.3.2-1 and 3.3.2-2.

3.3.7 When full glass curtain wall is adopted for the entrance lobbies of public buildings, the areaof non-hollow glass in full glass curtain wall must not exceed 15%of transparent area(door, window and glass curtain wall)on the same facade.Besides, mean heat transfer coefficient must be weighted according to transparent area(including area of full glass curtain wall)on the same facade.

4.1.1 Heating load calculation and item-by-item hourly cooling load calculation must be carried outduring construction documents design phase of Category A public buildings.

4.2.2 The heating equipment powered by electric directly must not be adopted as heating sourceunless any one of the following conditions is met:

1 Power supply is sufficient and electricity utilization is encouraged by the management at the electricity demand side;

2 Buildings without urban or regional central heating where gas, coal, oil and other fuels are under restrictions of environmental protection or fire protection, and it is impossible to use heat pump as heating source;

3 The buildings primarily for cooling, with relatively very small heating loads, and incapable of using heat pump or other modes as heating source;

4 The air conditioning systems primarily for cooling, with small heating loads, and incapable of using heat pump or other modes as heating source, but using off-peak electricity for heat storage and electric boiler not a surge in electricity demand in peak hours and normal(flat)hours;

5 The buildings that can generate power by renewable energy and the power generation capacity can meet their own electric heating demands.

4.2.3 Direct electric heating equipment shall not be adopted as air humidification heating sourceunless any one of the following conditions is met:

1 Power supply is sufficient and electricity utilization is encouraged by the management at the electricity demand side;

2 The buildings that can generate power by renewable energy and the power generation capacity can meet their own humidifying power consumption demands.

3 The buildings without vapor source for humidifying in winter and with high accuracy control requirements for indoor relative humidity in winter.

4.2.5 Heat efficiency of boiler under nominal conditions and specified conditions must not be lessthan the values specified in Table 4.2.5.

4.2.8 Total installed capacity of motor-compression type chiller unit must be directly selectedaccording to the air conditioning cooling load value calculated of requirement of article in this standard and must not be added otherwise.Under designed conditions, if specification of the unit fails to meet the requirements of calculated cooling load, that ratio of the selected total installed capacity ofthe unit to the calculated cooling load must not be greater than 1.1.

4.2.10 If motor-driven vapor compression cycle water chilling units(heat pumps)are adopted,coefficient of performance()under their nominal refrigeration and specified conditions must meet the following requirements:

1 Coefficient of performance()ofwater chilling unit at constant frequency and air-cooling or evaporative cooling unit shall not be less than the values specified in Table 4.2.10;

2 Coefficient of performance()ofcentrifugal water chilling unit at variable frequency shall not be less than 0.93 times of the values specified in Table 4.2.10;

3 Coefficient of performance()of water chilling screw unit at variable frequency shall not be less than 0.95 times of the values specified in Table 4.2.10.

4.2.14 If motor-driven unitary air conditioner, duct air supply and rooftop air conditioning unitwith nominal refrigerating capacity more than 7.1kW are adopted, energy efficiency ratio()under nominal refrigeration and specified conditions must not be less than the values in Table 4.2.14.

4.2.17 When multi-connected air-conditioning(heat pump)unit is adopted, its cooling integratedpart load value[(C)]under nominal refrigeration and specified conditions must not be less than the values in Table 4.2.17.

4.2.19 If direct-fired lithium bromide absorption chiller-heater unit is adopted, performance parameters under their nominal conditions and specified conditions must be in accordance with those specified in Table 4.2.19.

4.5.2 Energy metering must be carried out for boiler room, heat exchanger room and refrigeratorroom, which must include the following:

1 Fuel consumption;

2 Power consumption of refrigerator;

3 Heat supply of central heating system;

4 Water supplement.

4.5.4 Automatic heat supply controller must be set in boiler room and heat exchanger room.

4.5.6 Indoor temperature control device must be set in heating and air conditioning system;automatic temperature control valve shall be installed in radiator and radiant heating system.
