





售价 79.20


前言 生态文明新时代:中国国家公园向何处去?

第一章 自然保护地体制机制研究 Part One Research on System and Mechanisms for Protected Areas

关于贯彻落实“建立以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系”的六项建议Recommendations on building up China's National-park-centric Protected Area System

中国自然保护地体制问题分析与应对Analysis on the Problems of Protected Area System in China and the Countermeasure

IUCN保护地管理分类及其应用的研究与中国借鉴Research and Reference on IUCN Protected Areas Management Categories and Their Applications

国家公园体制建设背景下我国自然保护地体系的重构Reconstruction of Protected Area System in the Context of the Establishment of Na-tional Park System in China

论国土空间规划中自然保护地规划之定位On the Positioning of Protected Area Planning in National Spatial Planning

自然保护地自然资源资产产权制度现状辨析Discrimination and Analysis of the Status Quo of Property Rights System of Natural Re-source Assets in Natural Protected Areas

自然需要一半:全球自然保护地新愿景Nature Needs Half:A New Vision for Global Protected Areas

论中国自然保护地的远景规模Discussion on the Long-term Target of Protected Area Coverage in China

中国风景名胜区制度起源研究Research on the Origin of China's Scenic and Historical Area System

第二章 国家公园体制机制研究 Part Two Research on System and Mechanisms for National Parks

生态保护第一、国家代表性、全民公益性——中国国家公园体制建设的三大理念Conservation First,National Representative,and Commonwealth:The Three Concepts of China's National Park System Construction

国家公园体制试点区试点实施方案初步分析Preliminary Analysis on the Implementation Plans for the Chinese National Park Pilot Areas

论中国国家公园体制建设的六项特征Thinking on the Six Characteristics of Chinese National Park System Construction

编制好国家公园四个层次的规划How to Prepare National Park Planning for Four Levels

国家公园总体规划空间管控作用研究Study on Spatial Regulatory Function of National Park General Management Plan

中国国家公园与自然保护地立法若干问题探讨Discussions on the Legislation of Chinese National Parks and Protected Areas

第三章 荒野研究 Part Three Research on Wilderness

中国荒野研究框架与关键课题A Research Framework and Key Issues of Chinese Wilderness Studies

从全球到中国的荒野地识别:荒野制图研究综述与展望Identif ication of Wilderness Areas from Global to China:Review and Prospect on Wil-derness Mapping

中国大陆国土尺度荒野地识别与空间分布研究Research on Identif ication and the Spatial Distribution of Wilderness Areas at the Na-tional Scale in Mainland China

生态文明建设背景下的中国荒野保护策略Wilderness Protection Strategies in the Context of Eco-civilization in China

荒野保护与再野化:现状和启示Current Situation and Enlightenment of Wilderness Conservation and Rewilding

城市野境:城市区域中野性自然的保护与营造Urban Wildness:Protection and Creation of Wild Nature in Urban Areas

第四章 国外自然保护地研究 Part Pour Research on Protected Areas Abroad

基于文献计量分析的国家公园建设英文文献述评A Critical Review of English Literature for National Parks Based on Bibliometric Analysis

美国国家荒野保护体系的建立与发展The Establishment and Development of the National Wilderness Preservation System in the United States

美国国家公园管理局丹佛服务中心评述及对中国的启示Review on US National Park Service Denver Service Center and Implications for China

美国国家公园管理规划的公众参与制度The Public Involvement Mechanism of American National Park Management Planning

美国国家公园与原住民的关系发展脉络The Development of Relationship between American National Parks and Indigenous Communities

从公民保护团(CCC)看国家公园的社会与经济功能On Social and Economic functions of National Parks from the Enlightenments of Civil-ian Conservation Corps

美国阿拉伯山国家遗产区域保护管理特点评述及启示Review on Conservation and Management of Arabia Mountain National HeritageArea and Its Revelation

中美国家公园社会科学研究项目比较Review on a Comparative Study on Social Science Program in National Parks of USA and China

自然保护与景观保护:英国国家公园保护的“二元方法”及机制Nature Conservation and Landscape Protection:A Dualistic Method of UK's National Parks Protection and Its Mechanism

英国漫游权制度及其在国家公园中的适用On UK's Right to Roam System and Its Variation in National Parks

英国国家公园合作伙伴管理模式研究——以苏格兰凯恩戈姆斯国家公园为例Research on the Partnership Management of National Parks in Great Britain:Take Cairngorms National Park in Scotland as An Example

新西兰保护部成立与改革的过程与特点分析Analysis on the Process and Characteristics of Establishment and Reform of the Depart-ment of Conservation in New Zealand

印度自然保护地体系及其管理体制特点评述A Review on India's Protected Area Network and Management System

法国国家公园管理和规划评述Review on Management and Planning of National Park System in France

第五章 资源保护技术研究 Part Five Research on Resource Conservation Technology

国家公园声景研究综述Soundscape Literature Review of national parks

国家公园的一半是暗夜:暗夜星空研究的美国经验及中国路径Half the Park Is After Dark:America's Experience and China's Route in the Study of Night Skies

中国名山风景区审美价值识别框架研究Aesthetic Identif ication Framework Research of Chinese Mount National Parks

论风景名胜区整体价值及其识别On Holistic Value of Scenic Areas and its Identif ication

第六章 自然保护地社区研究 Part Six Research on Community of Protected Areas

基于6个案例比较研究的中国自然保护地社区参与保护模式解析Model Analysis of Community Participation in Protection of China's Protected Areas Based on A Comparative Study of Six Cases

社区营造与遗产地发展——台湾地区“桃米村”社区营造案例分析Community Building and Heritage Development:A Case Study of Taiwan Taomi Village

活态宗教遗产地与宗教社区的认知与保护初探——以五台山世界遗产文化景观为例Perception and Conservation of the Living Religious Site and Religious Community:in Case of Wutai Culture Landscape

风景区居民社区规划优化研究——以九寨沟为例Research on Optimization of Community Planning in the National Parks of China:A Case Study of Jiuzhaigou Valley

生态智慧视野下武夷山茶园建设管理的古今对比研究Comparative Study of Ancient and Modern Tea Garden Construction in Mount Wuyi from the Perspective of Ecological Wisdom
