建筑结构检测技术标准 GB/T 50344-2019 现行
Technical standard for inspection of building structure 收藏









售价 58.80



1 总则

2 术语和符号

2.1 术语

2.2 符号

3 基本规定

3.1 建筑结构检测分类

3.2 检测工作基本要求

3.3 检测方法和抽样方案

3.4 结构和构件的检测

3.5 检测结论与判定

3.6 建筑结构的评定

4 混凝土结构

4.1 一般规定

4.2 原材料的质量及性能

4.3 构件材料强度

4.4 混凝土的性能

4.5 构件的缺陷与损伤

4.6 混凝土中钢筋检测

4.7 装配式混凝土结构

4.8 混凝土结构性能评定

5 砌体结构

5.1 一般规定

5.2 砌筑块材

5.3 砌筑砂浆

5.4 砌体的力学性能

5.5 砌筑质量与构造

5.6 结构构件的损伤

5.7 砌体结构的评定

6 钢结构

6.1 一般规定

6.2 钢材的力学性能

6.3 连接

6.4 节点

6.5 尺寸与偏差

6.6 变形与损伤

6.7 构造与稳定

6.8 涂装防护

6.9 结构性能实荷检验与动测

6.10 既有钢结构的评定

7 钢管混凝土结构和钢 混凝土组合结构

7.1 一般规定

7.2 钢管混凝土结构的检测

7.3 钢-混凝土组合结构的检测

7.4 钢管混凝土结构和钢-混凝土组合结构的评定

8 木结构

8.1 一般规定

8.2 木材性能

8.3 木材缺陷

8.4 制作与安装偏差

8.5 连接与构造

8.6 变形损伤与防护措施

8.7 既有木结构的评定

9 既有轻型围护结构

9.1 一般规定

9.2 雪荷载

9.3 风荷载

附录A 间接测试方法测试结果的修正和验证

附录B 结构动力测试方法和要求

附录C 建筑振动的测试

附录D 结构和构件测量方法

附录E 构件承载力可靠指标与变异系数

附录F 结构性能的静力荷载检验

附录G 游离氧化钙潜在危害的检测推断

附录H 混凝土中氯离子含量测定

附录J 钢筋表面硬度测试方法

附录K 结构混凝土冻伤的检测方法

附录L 混凝土中钢筋锈蚀状况的检测

附录M 回弹检测烧结普通砖抗压强度

附录N 钢材强度的里氏硬度检测方法

附录P 钢-混凝土组合结构中钢构件的无损探测方法

附录Q 轻质围护结构瞬时风动力系数试验方法





1 General Provisions

2 Terms and Symbols

2.1 Terms

2.2 Symbols

3 General Requirements

3.1 Inspection of Building Structure Classification

3.2 General Provisions of Inspection

3.3 Inspection Method and Sampling Scheme

3.4 InspectionTechnique of Structure and Constructional Element

3.5 Inspection Conclusion and Evaluation

3.6 Evaluation of Building Structure

4 Concrete Structure

4.1 General Requirements

4.2 Quality and Performance of Raw Materials

4.3 Strength of Structural Member

4.4 Performance of Concrete

4.5 Defectsand Damage of Structural Membe

4.6 Inspection for Reinforcing Steelin Concrete

4.7 Precast Concrete Structure

4.8 Performance Evaluation of Concrete Structure

5 Masonry Structure

5.1 General Requirements

5.2 Masonry Units

5.3 Masonry Mortar

5.4 Mechnical Properties of Masonry

5.5 Quality of Construction and Detailing

5.6 Defects of Structural Members

5.7 Evaluation of Masonry Structure

6 Steel Structures

6.1 General Requirements

6.2 Mechanical Properties of Materials

6.3 Connection

6.4 Joint

6.5 Dimension and Deviation

6.6 Damage and Deformation

6.7 Structure and Stability

6.8 Coating Protection

6.9 Practical Load and Dynamic Load Tests of Structural Performance

6.10 Evaluation of Existing Steel Structures

7 Concrete Filled Steel Tubular Structure and Steel-concrete Composite Structure

7.1 General Requirements

7.2 Inspection of Concrete Filled Steel Tubular Structures

7.3 Inspection of Steel-concrete Composite Structures

7.4 Evaluation of Concrete Filled Steel Tubular Structures and Steel-concrete Composite Structures

8 Timber Structure

8.1 General Requirements

8.2 Properties of Wood

8.3 Defects of Wood

8.4 Manufacture and Installation Error

8.5 Connection and Construction

8.6 Deformation and Protective Measures

8.7 Evaluation of Existing Timber Structure

9 Existing Light Enclosure Structure

9.1 General Requirements

9.2 Snow Load

9.3 Wind Load

Appendix A Correction and Verification of Test Results of Indirect Test Method

Appendix B Structural Dynamic Characteristics Testing Methods and Requirements

Appendix C Testing of Building Vibration

Appendix D The Method of Surveying Structure and Member

Appendix E Static Load Testof Structural Performance

Appendix F Reliability Indexand Variation Coefficient of Load-carrying Capacity of Member

Appendix G Test Deduction of Potential Hazards of Free Calcium Oxide

Appendix H Test of Chlorine Ion Content in Concrete

Appendix J Test Method of Surface Hardness of Steel Bar

Appendix K Test Method of Frostbite of Structural Concrete

AppendixL Test of Steel Bar Corrosion in Concrete

Appendix M Rebound Test for Compressive Strength of Common Sintered Brick

Appendix N Determination of Steel Strength by Leeb Hardness Test

Appendix P Nondestructive Detection Method of Steel Members in Steel-concrete Composite Structures

Appendix Q Test Method of Instantaneous Wind Dynamic Coefficient of Light Enclosure Structure

Explanation of Wording in This Standard

List of Quoted Standards

Addition:Explanation of Provisions
