民用建筑节水设计标准(英文版) GB 50555-2010 现行
Standard for Water Saving Design in Civil Building 收藏



主编部门:Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of People's Republic of China

主编单位:China Architecture Design and Research Group

主要起草人:Zhao Li,Liu Zhenyin,Zhao Shiming,Zhu Yueyun,Liu Hong,Wang Yaotang,Zhao Xin,Qian Jiangfeng,Meng Guanghui,Wang Li,Chen Huaide,Liu Xibao,Xu Feng,Zhao Lijun,Wang Liyun,Zhou Kejing,Zhang Ying,Liu Jing


标准书号:GB 50555-2010


售价 150.00

This standard covers 6 chapters including general provisions;terms and symbols;design and calculation for water saving;design for water saving system;utilization of non-traditional water source;water saving equipment,meters,appurtenances,pipe material and tubing.

This standard is applicable to the water saving design of civil buildings in newly-built,reconstructed and expanded residential communities and public building areas;it′s also applicable to the water saving design of industrial buildings.

This standard is formulated by China Architecture Design and Research Group according to the requirements of "Notice on Printing and Publishing ‘Development and Revision Plan for Engineering Construction Standard and Codes in 2007 (First Batch)’" (JIANBIAOHAN [2007] No.125) issued by the former Ministry of Construction.On the basis of widely soliciting opinions,this standard summarizes the experiences related to water saving design in civil buildings in recent years and makes reference to the relevant application study results at home and abroad.

This standard covers 6 chapters including general provisions;terms and symbols;design and calculation for water saving;design for water saving system;utilization of non-traditional water source;water saving equipment,meters,appurtenances,pipe material and tubing.

The provisions printed in bold type in this standard are compulsory and must be enforced strictly.

The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development is in charge of the administration of this standard and the explanation of the compulsory provisions and China Architecture Design and Research Group is responsible for the explanation of specific contents.During the use of this standard,the relevant opinions and data,whenever necessary for modification or supplementation,can be posted to China Architecture Design and Research Group (address:No.19,Chegongzhuang Street,Xicheng District,100044,Beijing).

Chief Development Organization:

China Architecture Design and Research Group

Participating Development Organizations:

Beijing Municipal Water Conservation Office

Shenzhen Municipal Water Conservation Office

China Northwest Building Design Research Institute Co.,Ltd.

Shanghai Construction Design and Research Institute Co.,Ltd.

Guangzhou Design Institute

Shenzhen Huasen Architecture and Engineering Designing Consultants Co.,Ltd.

Shenzhen Institute of Building Research Co.,Ltd

Beijing University of Technology

Honeywell (China) Co.,Ltd.

Chief Drafting Staffs:

Zhao Li Liu Zhenyin Zhao Shiming Zhu Yueyun Liu Hong Wang Yaotang Zhao Xin Qian Jiangfeng Meng Guanghui Wang Li Chen Huaide Liu Xibao Xu Feng Zhao Lijun Wang Liyun Zhou Kejing Zhang Ying and Liu Jing

Chief Examiners:

Zuo Yazhou Feng Xudong Cheng Hongwei Fang Yumei Xue Yingchao Zeng Xuehua Yang Peng Pan Guanjuan Zheng Kebai and Wang Feng

Announcement of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China


Announcement on Publishing the National Standard Standard for Water Saving Design in Civil Building

Standard for Water Saving Design in Civil Building has been approved as a national standard with a serial number of GB 50555-2010 and will be implemented since December 1,2010.Articles 4.1.5,4.2.1 and 5.1.2 in this standard are compulsory provisions which must be enforced strictly.

Authorized by Research Insititute of Standands&Norms,this standard is published and distributed by China Architecture and Building Press.

Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China

May 31,2010


Announcement of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China


1 General Provisions

2 Terms and Symbols

2.1 Terms

2.2 Symbols

3 Design and Calculation for Water Saving

3.1 Rated Water Consumption for Water Saving

3.2 Water Consumption Calculating for Water Saving Per Annum

4 Design for Water Saving System

4.1 General Requirements

4.2 Water Supply System

4.3 Circulating Water System

4.4 Irrigating System

5 Utilization of Non-traditional Water Source

5.1 General Requirements

5.2 Rainwater Utilization

5.3 Reclaimed Water Utilization

6 Water Saving Equipment,Meters,Appurtenances,Pipe Material and Tubing

6.1 Sanitary Ware and Appurtenances

6.2 Water Saving Equipment

6.3 Pipe Material and Tubing

Appendix A Format of "Illustration in Water Saving Design"

Explanation of Wording in this Standard

List of Quoted Standards

4.1.5 The water source for landscape shall not be municipal tap water and underground well water.

4.2.1 As for the buildings with municipal or community feed-water and reclaimed water supplysystems, its domestic water supply system shall be directly supplied with the water pressure of municipal water supply network.

5.1.2 Where non-traditional water source is used in civil buildings, the water treatment must ensurethe safety and reliability of the routine water supply quality at the water terminal and is strictly forbidden to cause any negative influence on the human health and indoor sanitation environment.
