钢铁工程设计文件编制标准 GB/T 51207-2016 现行
Standard for preparing of design documents for iron and steel project 收藏









售价 32.43








主编单位:中冶南方工程技术有限公司 中冶长天国际工程有限责任公司

参编单位:中冶京诚工程技术有限公司 中冶赛迪工程技术股份有限公司 中冶北方工程技术有限公司

主要起草人:项明武 钱斌 储太山 邓星良 王少泉 付秀芳 全永畅 陈乙元 陈光富 汤楚雄 廖远 潘宏涛 李侠 胡文超 王晓冰 黄木 耿小红 戴哲 陈世意 吴炳成 彭小平 范卫华 徐海珍 尤海榕 蔡晓峰 卢圣付 张楠 章良 李平 任海霞 王冬 聂晶 夏彦 王彦 何往 阮清华

主要审查人:郭启蛟 戈义彬 韩波 孙建国 钱世崇 朱晓春 贾立虹 潘仲 邱坚 傅雁 聂可夫




现批准《钢铁工程设计文件编制标准》为国家标准,编号为GB/T 51207-2016,自2017年7月1日起实施。







1 总则

2 术语

3 基本规定

4 设计文件组成与顺序

4.1 文件组成

4.2 前引

4.3 正文

4.4 附表、附图和附件

5 总论

6 采矿

6.1 地质

6.2 水文地质

6.3 岩石力学

6.4 露天采矿

6.5 砂矿水力开采

6.6 地下采矿

6.7 排土场

6.8 井巷工程

6.9 矿山机械

6.10 附表与附图

7 选矿

7.1 矿石类型和供矿条件

7.2 矿石的选矿工艺矿物学研究

7.3 选矿试验

7.4 产品方案

7.5 设计工艺流程

7.6 主要设备与矿仓

7.7 生产设施与工艺过程

7.8 取样、计量、检测和自动化

7.9 工艺辅助设施及检修设施

7.10 尾矿设施

7.11 附表与附图

8 原料场

8.1 一般规定

8.2 受料设施

8.3 料场

8.4 混匀设施

8.5 整粒设施

8.6 供料设施

8.7 其他设施

8.8 附表与附图

9 烧结

9.1 原料、熔剂和燃料

9.2 烧结工艺

9.3 主要工艺设备

9.4 生产设施配置

9.5 余热回收及烟气净化

9.6 附表与附图

10 球团

10.1 一般规定

10.2 含铁原料接受和贮存系统

10.3 含铁原料预处理系统

10.4 粘结剂、添加剂和燃料煤的储运和加工系统

10.5 配料混合系统

10.6 造球系统

10.7 焙烧系统

10.8 成品交付系统

10.9 回收料处理系统

10.10 其他设施

10.11 主要设备

10.12 工艺设施与布置

10.13 附表与附图

11 炼铁

11.1 一般规定

11.2 槽下供料与上料

11.3 炉顶与粗煤气

11.4 炉体

11.5 热风炉

11.6 出铁场与渣处理

11.7 煤粉制备及喷吹

11.8 铸铁机与修罐间

11.9 原煤、水渣储运系统

11.10 附表与附图

12 炼钢

12.1 一般规定

12.2 铁水预处理

12.3 转炉

12.4 电炉

12.5 精炼炉

12.6 熔剂、铁合金等储运系统

12.7 连铸机

12.8 渣处理

12.9 附表与附图

13 铁合金

13.1 一般规定

13.2 冶铸系统

13.3 原料系统

13.4 附表与附图

14 轧钢

14.1 一般规定

14.2 轧钢工艺

14.3 设备性能及生产能力

14.4 平面布置与起重运输

14.5 附表与附图

15 工业炉

15.1 一般规定

15.2 加热炉

15.3 热处理炉

15.4 炉用机械

15.5 炉区平面布置

15.6 附表与附图

16 金属制品

16.1 一般规定

16.2 工艺与设备

16.3 工艺平面布置

16.4 附表与附图

17 机修与检化验

17.1 一般规定

17.2 铸造

17.3 锻造

17.4 机修

17.5 检化验

17.6 附表与附图

18 电气

18.1 一般规定

18.2 高压供配电

18.3 低压供配电

18.4 电气传动

18.5 电气工程

18.6 附表与附图

19 自动化

19.1 一般规定

19.2 检测和仪表

19.3 基础自动化

19.4 过程自动化

19.5 自动化工程

19.6 附表与附图

20 电信

20.1 一般规定

20.2 语音通信

20.3 信息管理

20.4 安全防范

20.5 电信工程

20.6 附表与附图

21 热力

21.1 一般规定

21.2 高炉鼓风机站

21.3 汽化冷却

21.4 工业锅炉房

21.5 压缩空气站

21.6 附表与附图

22 燃气

22.1 一般规定

22.2 煤气设施

22.3 制氧

22.4 保护气体

22.5 其他气体

22.6 燃气供应

22.7 附表与附图

23 给排水

23.1 一般规定

23.2 取水设施

23.3 净化设施

23.4 循环水处理设施

23.5 废水、回用水处理设施

23.6 脱盐水站

23.7 排水设施

23.8 酸再生站

23.9 附表与附图

24 采暖通风与环境除尘

24.1 一般规定

24.2 供暖

24.3 通风

24.4 空气调节

24.5 除尘与有害气体净化

24.6 节能设计与能源消耗

24.7 附表与附图

25 总图运输

25.1 一般规定

25.2 厂区概况

25.3 总平面布置

25.4 竖向布置和场地雨排水

25.5 运输

25.6 铁路信号

25.7 厂区绿化

25.8 附表与附图

26 建筑与结构

26.1 建筑

26.2 结构

26.3 附图

27 能源

28 环境保护

28.1 一般规定

28.2 废气

28.3 废水

28.4 噪声

28.5 固体废物

29 安全与职业卫生

30 消防

31 工程概算

31.1 一般规定

31.2 工程总概算

31.3 单项工程与单位工程概算

32 技术经济

附录A 主要技术经济指标表

附录B 初步设计说明书目录范例


附录D 建(构)筑物一览表





1 General provisions

2 Terms

3 Basic requirements

4 Design document composition and order

4.1 Design document composition

4.2 Lead-in part

4.3 Main text

4.4 Attached tables,drawings and annexes

5 Generals

6 Mining

6.1 Geology

6.2 Hydrogeology

6.3 Rock mechanics

6.4 Open-pit mining

6.5 Hydraulic placer mining

6.6 Underground mining

6.7 Dumping site

6.8 Shaft and drift engineering

6.9 Mining machinery

6.10 Attached table and drawings

7 Mineral processing

7.1 Oretypes and ore supply condition

7.2 Mineralogy study

7.3 Ore dressing test

7.4 Product mix

7.5 Design process flow

7.6 Main equipment and ore bin

7.7 Production facility and process flow

7.8 Sampling,metering,measuring and automation

7.9 Auxiliary facility and maintenance facility

7.10 Tailing facility

7.11 Attached table and drawings

8 Raw material stockyard

8.1 General requirements

8.2 Material receiving facility

8.3 Stockyard

8.4 Blending facility

8.5 Grading facility

8.6 Material supply facility

8.7 Other facilities

8.8 Attached table and drawing

9 Sintering

9.1 Raw material,flux and fuel

9.2 Sintering process

9.3 Main process equipment

9.4 Production facility configuration

9.5 Waste heat recovery and gas cleaning

9.6 Attached table and drawing

t0 Pelletizing

10.1 General requirements

10.2 Receiving and storage system of iron-containing raw materials………………………………

10.3 Pretreatment system of iron-containing raw materials

10.4 Storage,handling and processing system of binders,additives and fuel coal…………

10.5 Proportioning and mixing system

10.6 Pelletizing system

10.7 Roasting system

10.8 Finished product delivery system

10.9 Recycled material treatment system

10.10 Other facilities

10.11 Main equipment

10.12 Process facility and arrangement

10.13 Attached table and drawing

11 Ironmaking

11.1 General requirements

11.2 Stockhouse and material charging system

11.3 Furnace top and crude gas

11.4 Furnace body

11.5 Hot stove

11.6 Cast-house and slag treatment

11.7 Pulverized coal making and injection

11.8 Pig casting machine and ladle repairing workshop

11.9 Storage and handling system of raw coal and granulated slag…………………………

11.10 Attached table and drawing

12 Steelmaking

12.1 General requirements

12.2 Hot metal pretreatment

12.3 Converter

12.4 Electric arc furnace

12.5 Refining furnace

12.6 Storage and handling system of flux and ferroalloys

12.7 Continuous casting machine

12.8 Slag treatment

12.9 Attached table and drawing

13 Ferroalloy

13.1 General requirements

13.2 Smelting and casting system

13.3 Rawmaterial system

13.4 Attached table and drawing

14 Rolling

14.1 General requirements

14.2 Rolling process

14.3 Equipment performance and production capacity

14.4 Plan layout and lifting transportation

14.5 Attached table and drawing

15 Industrial furnace

15.1 General requirements

15.2 Reheating furnace

15.3 Heat treatment furnace

15.4 Furnace machinery

15.5 Plan layout of furnace area

15.6 Attached table and drawing

16 Metal product

16.1 General requirements

16.2 Process and equipment

16.3 Process plan layout

16.4 Attached table and drawing

17 Machine repairing and laboratory test

17.1 General requirements

17.2 Casting

17.3 Forging

17.4 Machine repairing

17.5 Laboratory test

17.6 Attached table and drawing

18 Electrical

18.1 General requirements

18.2 High voltage power supply and distribution

18.3 Low voltage power supply and distribution

18.4 Electrical drive

18.5 Electrical engineering

18.6 Attached table and drawing

19 Automation

19.1 General requirements

19.2 Measuring and instrumentation

19.3 Basic automation

19.4 Process automation

19.5 Automation engineering

19.6 Attached table and drawing

20 Telecommunication

20.1 General requirements

20.2 Voice communication

20.3 Information management

20.4 Safety precaution

20.5 Telecommunication engineering

20.6 Attached table and drawing

21 Thermal power

21.1 General requirements

21.2 Blast furnace blower station

21.3 Evaporative cooling

21.4 Industrial boiler house

21.5 Air compressor station

21.6 Attached table and drawing

22 Fuel gas

22.1 General requirements

22.2 Gas facility

22.3 Oxygen making

22.4 Protective gas

22.5 Other gases

22.6 Fuel gas supply

22.7 Attached table and drawing

23 Water supply and drainage

23.1 General requirements

23.2 Water in-taking facility

23.3 Water purification facility

23.4 Re-circulating water treatment facility

23.5 Waste water and reclaimed water treatment facility

23.6 Demineralized water station

23.7 Water drainage facility

23.8 Acid regeneration plant

23.9 Attached table and drawing

24 Heating,ventilation and environmental dedusting

24.1 General requirements

24.2 Heating

24.3 Ventilation

24.4 Air conditioning

24.5 Dedusting and harmful gas cleaning

24.6 Energy-saving design and energy consumption

24.7 Attached table and drawing

25 General layout and transportation

25.1 General requirements

25.2 Overview of plant area

25.3 General plan layout

25.4 Vertical arrangement and rain water drainage of the site……………………………

25.5 Transportation

25.6 Railway signal

25.7 Plant area landscaping

25.8 Attached table and drawings

26 Architecture and structure

26.1 Architecture

26.2 Structure

26.3 Attached drawings

27 Energy

28 Environmental protection

28.1 General requirements

28.2 Waste gas

28.3 Waste water

28.4 Noise

28.5 Solid waste

29 Safety and occupational health

30 Fire fighting and prevention

31 Project cost estimate

31.1 General requirements

31.2 Total project cost estimate

31.3 Cost estimate of individual works and unit works

32 Economic evaluation

Appendix A Main techno-economic index tables

Appendix B Examples for contents of preliminary design specification…………………

Appendix C Main equipment list

Appendix D List of buildings and structures

Explanation of wording in this code

List of quoted standards
