城建档案业务管理规范 CJJ/T 158-2011 现行
Code for management of urban construction archives 收藏









售价 13.80






本规范主编单位:住房和城乡建设部城建档案工作办公室 北京市城建档案馆

本规范参编单位:南京市城建档案馆 天津市城建档案馆 沧州市城建档案馆 江西省住房和城乡建设厅城建档案办公室


本规范主要起草人员:姜中桥 周健民 刘福利 张斌 刘志清 秦屹梅 白石 王恩江

胡士刚 赵丹群

本规范主要审查人员:陈智为 洪立波 张世林 夏宏图 杨佳燕 何伟 谭家发 黄伟明 权进立




现批准《城建档案业务管理规范》为行业标准,编号为CJJ/T 158-2011,自2011年10月1日起实施。







1 总则

2 术语

3 基本规定

4 业务指导

4.1 原则与要求

4.2 类型与内容

5 收集与移交

5.1 形成、积累与归档要求

5.2 接收与移交

5.3 征集

6 整理

6.1 整理的原则和内容

6.2 分类

6.3 立卷

6.4 案卷的排列

7 编目

7.1 编目工作的内容

7.2 著录

7.3 档案标引

7.4 目录的编制与组织

7.5 必备目录

8 统计

8.1 统计工作的任务和内容

8.2 统计工作的要求

8.3 统计工作的步骤和方法

8.4 主要统计报表

9 鉴定

9.1 鉴定工作的内容

9.2 鉴定工作的要求

9.3 鉴定的基本工作方法

9.4 档案室鉴定工作

9.5 城建档案管理机构鉴定工作

9.6 档案的降密、解密与销毁

10 保管与保护

10.1 档案室库房要求

10.2 工程建设中文件材料管理要求

10.3 城建档案管理机构用房、设备、装具要求

10.4 城建档案管理机构日常设备管理要求

10.5 城建档案管理机构库房管理

10.6 保护

10.7 缩微

10.8 修复

11 电子文件与电子档案管理

11.1 电子文件与电子档案管理的基本要求

11.2 电子文件的收集与积累

11.3 电子文件整理与归档的方式及要求

11.4 电子档案的管理与利用

12 声像档案管理

12.1 收集范围与内容

12.2 照片档案收集与归档要求

12.3 录音、录像档案归档要求

12.4 声像档案整理

12.5 声像档案编目

12.6 声像档案保管

13 信息化与信息安全

13.1 信息化建设的目标与要求

13.2 城建档案管理系统

13.3 信息资源建设

13.4 城建档案数字化

13.5 信息安全

14 档案编研

14.1 档案编研的原则与要求

14.2 档案编研的内容和程序

15 信息公开与服务

15.1 城建档案信息公开

15.2 城建档案的开放与控制利用

15.3 提供利用服务

15.4 技术服务

16 综合评估体系

16.1 综合评估内容

16.2 综合评估等级划分

16.3 综合评估程序

附录A 建设工程档案报送责任书

附录B 建设工程档案预验收意见书

附录C 建设工程档案接收和移交证明书

附录D 移交档案目录

附录E 建设系统业务管理档案接收和移交书

附录F 城建档案工程(项目)级总目录

附录G 城建档案案卷总目录

附录H 城建档案工程(项目)级分类目录

附录J 城建档案案卷分类目录

附表K 城建档案工作基本情况统计报表(一)

附表K 城建档案工作基本情况统计报表(二)

附表K 城建档案工作基本情况统计报表(三)

附表K 城建档案工作基本情况统计报表(四)

附表L 城建档案馆藏档案分类统计表

附表M 城建档案、接收、移出、销毁、现存情况统计表

附表N 城建档案鉴定情况统计表

附表P 城建档案整理情况统计表

附表Q 城建档案馆档案利用情况统计表

附录R 城建档案鉴定表

附录S 档案库房温湿度记录表

附录T 城建档案资料查阅登记表




1 General Provisions

2 Terms

3 Basic Requirements

4 Guidance for Archival Works

4.1 Principles and Requirements

4.2 Types and Contents

5 Collection and Transfer

5.1 Formation,Accumulation and Filing Requirements

5.2 Receiving and Transfer

5.3 Collection

6 Archival Arrangement

6.1 Principle and Content of Archival Arrangement

6.2 Classification

6.3 Filing

6.4 Files Arrangement

7 Cataloguin

7.2 Description

7.3 FileIndexing

7.4 Catalogue Compiling and Organizing

7.5 Pre-requisite Catalogue

8 Statistics

8.1 Task and Content of Statistics

8.2 Requirements of Statistics

8.3 Step and Method of Statistics

8.4 Main Statistical Report Forms

9 Appraisal

9.1 Content of Appraisal

9.2 Requirements of Appraisal

9.3 Basic Method of Appraisal

9.4 Appraisal of Record Office

9.5 Appraisal of Urban-Rural Development Archives

9.6 Archives Downgrade,Declassification and Destruction

10 Custody and Conservation

10.1 Repository Requirements of Record Office

10.2 Document Management Requirements During Engineering Construction

10.3 Repository,Equipment and Container Requirements of Urban-Rural Development Archives

10.4 Equipment Management Requirements of Urban-Rural Development Archives

10.5 Repository Management of Urban-Rural Development Archives

10.6 Conservation

10.7 Microfilm

10.8 Repair

11 Electronic Records Management

11.1 Basic Requirements of Electronic Records Management

11.2 Collectionand Accumulation of Electronic Records

11.3 Arrangement and Filing Methodand Requirements of Electronic Records

11.4 Management and Access of Electronic Records

12 Audio-Visual Archives Management

12.1 Collection Rangeand Content

12.2 Collection and Filing Requirements of Photograph Archives

12.3 Filing Requirements of Audio-Visual Archives

12.4 Arrangement of Audio-Visual Archives

12.5 Cataloguing of Audio-Visual Archives

12.6 Custody of Audio-Visual Archives

13 Informatization and Information Security

13.1 Objective and Requirements of Informatization

13.2 Management System of Urban-Rural Development Archives

13.3 Information Resource Development

13.4 Digitization of Urban-Rural Development Archives

13.5 Information Security

14 Archives Compilation and Research

14.1 Principles and Requirements of Archives Compilation and Research

14.2 Content and Process of Archives Compilation and Research

15 Information Publicity and Service

15.1 Publicity of Urban-Rural Development Archives

15.2 Disclosure and Using Control of Urban-Rural Development Archives

15.3 Reference Service

15.4 Technical Service

16 Comprehensive Assessment System

16.1 Content of Comprehensive Assessment

16.2 Grade Division of Comprehensive Assessment

16.3 Process of Comprehensive Assessment

Appendix A Contract for Transfering Engineering Archives

Appendix B Opinions for Pre-Acceptance of Engineering Archives

Appendix C Certificate of Engineering Archives Receiving and Transfer

Appendix D Certificate of Receiving and Transfer of Administration Archives of Construction System System

Appendix E Transfered File List

Appendix F Sequential Catalogue of Engineering (Project)Archives

Appendix G Sequential Catalogue of Files

Appendix H Classified Catalogue of Engineering (Project)Archives

Appendix J Classified Catalogue of Files

Appendix K Statistical Report of Basic Circsof Urban-Rural Developent Archival Work

Appendix K Statistical Report of Basic Circsof Urban-Rural Developent Archival Work

Appendix K Statistical Report of Basic Circsof Urban-Rural Developent Archival Work

Appendix K Statistical Report of Basic Circsof Urban-Rural Developent Archival Work

Appendix L Statistical Report of Classified Repository of Urban Construction Archives

Appendix M Statistical Report of Urban-Rural Developent Archives Receiving,Transferand Destruction

Appendix N Statistical Report of Urban-Rural Developent Archives Appraisal

Appendix P Statistical Report of Urban-Rural Developent Archives Arrangement

Appendix Q Statistical Report of Accessing and Using Urban-Rural Developent Archives

Appendix R Registration Form for Appraising Urban-Rural Developent Archives

Appendix S Temperatureand Humidity Record of ArchivesRepositor

Appendix T Registration Form for Accessing and Using Urban-Rural Developent Archives

Explanation of Wording in This Code

List of Quoted Standards
