建筑工程抗浮技术标准 JGJ 476-2019 现行
Technical standard for building engineering against uplift 收藏









售价 33.12



1 总则

2 术语和符号

2.1 术语

2.2 符号

3 基本规定

4 勘察与鉴定

4.1 一般规定

4.2 勘察

4.3 鉴定

5 设防水位

5.1 一般规定

5.2 水位预测

5.3 设防水位

6 稳定与治理

6.1 一般规定

6.2 浮力

6.3 抗浮力

6.4 抗浮稳定

6.5 抗浮治理

7 设计

7.1 一般规定

7.2 抗浮板法

7.3 压重法

7.4 排水限压法、隔水控压法与泄水降压法

7.5 锚杆法

7.6 锚桩法

7.7 既有工程抗浮治理

8 施工

8.1 一般规定

8.2 抗浮板法

8.3 压重法

8.4 排水限压法、隔水控压法与泄水降压法

8.5 锚杆法

8.6 锚桩法

8.7 既有工程抗浮治理

9 检验与验收

9.1 一般规定

9.2 抗浮板法

9.3 排水限压法和泄水降压法

9.4 锚杆法

9.5 锚桩法

9.6 验收

10 监测与维护

10.1 一般规定

10.2 锚固构件监测

10.3 地下水监测

10.4 排水限压法、隔水控压法和泄水降压法的监测与维护

10.5 资料整理

附录A 地下水类型与岩土体渗透等级

附录B 抗浮构件工作环境类别

附录C 水文地质参数试验要点

附录D 钢筋腐蚀及混凝土劣化检测要点

附录E 抗浮锚杆和抗浮桩性能试验要点

附录F 抗浮锚杆防腐做法

附录G 抗浮锚杆施工记录

附录H 抗浮锚杆验收试验

附录J 抗浮桩验收试验





1 General

2 Terms and Symbols

2.1 Terms

2.2 Symbols

3 Basic Assumptions

4 Investigation and Evaluation

4.1 General

4.2 Investigation

4.3 Evaluation

5 Water Level Against Uplift

5.1 General

5.2 Evaluation of Water Level

5.3 Water Level Against Uplift

6 Stability and Treatment

6.1 General

6.2 Buoyancy

6.3 Anti-uplift Force

6.4 Anti-uplift Stability

6.5 Anti-uplift Treatment

7 Design

7.1 General

7.2 Anti-uplift Slab

7.3 Surcharge Loading

7.4 Drainage,Water Pressure Controland Pumping Decompression

7.5 Anchor

7.6 Anti-uplift Pile

7.7 Anti-uplift Treatment of Existing Projects

8 Construction

8.1 General

8.2 Anti-uplift Slab

8.3 Surcharge loading

8.4 Drainage,Water Pressure Control and Pumping Decompression

8.5 Anchor

8.6 Anti-uplift Pile

8.7 Anti-uplift Treatment of Existing Projects

9 Inspection and Approval

9.1 General

9.2 Anti-uplift Slab

9.3 Drainage Control and Pumping Decompression

9.4 Anchor

9.5 Anti-uplift Pil

9.6 Approval

10 Monitoring and Maintenance

10.1 General

10.2 Anchorage Elements Monitoring

10.3 Groundwater Monitoring

10.4 Drainage,Water Pressure Control and Pumping Decompression Monitoring

10.5 Documentation

Appendix A Types of Groundwater and Geo-permeability Classification

Appendix B Types of Working Environment of Anti-uplift Elements

Appendix C Key points of Hydrogeological Testing

Appendix D Key points of Steel Corrosion and Concrete Deterioration Inspection

Appendix E Key points of Anti-uplift Anchor and Pile Testing

Appendix F Operation of Anti-uplift Anchor antisepticise

Appendix G Record of Anti-uplift Anchor Construction

Appendix H Approval Testing of Anti-uplift Anchor

Appendix J Approval Testing of Anti-uplift Pile

Explanation of Wording in This Standard

List of Quoted Standards

3.0.4 建筑工程应满足抗浮稳定标准要求。抗浮结构和构件的承载力、变形及抗浮设施有效性应符合抗浮性能及结构设计要求,抗浮构件及设施的耐久性年限不应少于建筑工程结构设计使用年限。
