城市轨道交通技术规范(英文版) GB 50490-2009 废止
Technical Code of Urban Rail Transit 收藏




主编单位:Research Center of Metro and Light Rail of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development(China Academy of Urban Planning&Design)

主要起草人:Qin Guodong,Shen Jingyan,Shen Dachuan,Yu Jiakang,Zhou Jian,Li Guoqing,Chen Shaozhang,Xu Mingjie,Mao Liliang,Shen Hong,Wang Xudong,Ni Chang,Ma Lilan,Jin Yuguang,Niu Yingming,Lu Jinhua,Wang Rifan,Xue Kezhong,Cai Shunli,Zhang Suyan,Zhao Minghua,Yu Bo,Zhou Yong,Zhu Hong,Liu Yang,Lou Yongmei,Wang Songzi,Zhou Xinliu,Ma Anquan,Yu Songwei,Lin Zhenjian,Li Changyi,Zheng Shengquan


标准书号:GB 50490-2009


售价 6.90

This Code is based on the function and performance requirements,with full text mandatory;and its provisions take the safety of urban rail transit as the main line and the technical requirements on sanitation,environmental protection,resource conservation and safeguard of social public interest,etc.are considered comprehensively;this Code has no comprehensive and specific requirements for the construction and operation of urban rail transit.This Code comprises of 8 chapters,including General Provisions,Terms,Basic Requirements,Operation,Rolling Stock,Gauge,Civil Engineering and Mechanical and Electrical Equipments.

This Code is applicable to the construction and operation of urban rail transit,but not the construction and operation of high-speed maglev system.

This Code was developed according to the requirements of "Notice on Printing Development and Revision Plan for Engineering Construction National Standards of 2001~2002" (JIANBIAO[2002] No.85) of the former Ministry of Construction and "Letter on Agreeing to Adjust’Compulsory Provisions of Engineering Construction Standards (the Part of Urban Construction)-Chapter of Urban Rail Transit‘to’Technical Code of Urban Rail Transit‘" (JIAOBIAOBIAOHAN [2007] No.39) of the Department of Standard Quota of the former Ministry of Construction.

This Code is based on the function and performance requirements,with full text mandatory;and its provisions take the safety of urban rail transit as the main line and the technical requirements on sanitation,environmental protection,resource conservation and safeguard of social public interest,etc.are considered comprehensively;this Code has no comprehensive and specific requirements for the construction and operation of urban rail transit.This Code comprises of 8 chapters,including General Provisions,Terms,Basic Requirements,Operation,Rolling Stock,Gauge,Civil Engineering and Mechanical and Electrical Equipments.

The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development is responsible for the management and explanation of this Code and the Research Center of Metro and Light Rail of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (China Academy of Urban Planning&Design) is responsible for the explanation of specific technical contents in this Code.During the implementation of this Code,all the organizations are kindly requested to summarize practical experiences,collect information and feed back the relevant opinions and suggestions to the Research Center of Metro and Light Rail of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (address:Beijing Sanlihe Road No.9,North Annex of the Ministry of Construction;postal code:100037;E-mail:qingd@caupd.com) at any time.

Chief development organization:

Research Center of Metro and Light Rail of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development(China Academy of Urban Planning&Design)

Participating Development Organizations:

Beijing Urban Engineering Design&Research Institute Co.,Ltd.

Beijing National Railway Research&Design Institute of Signal&Communication

Shanghai Tunnel Engineering and Rail Traffic Design and Research Institute China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co.,Ltd.

Guangzhou Metro Corporation

Guangzhou Metro Design and Research Institute

CNR Changchun Railway Vehicles Co.,Ltd.

Beijing Metro Construction&Management Co.,Ltd.

Beijing Metro Operation Co.,Ltd.

Beijing Metro Design Institute

Shanghai Metro Operation Co.,Ltd.

Shanghai Shentong Metro Research and Consultation Co.,Ltd.

Chengdu Metro Company

Shanghai Railway&Urban Rail Transit Design and Research Institute Xiangtan Electrical Machine Co.,Ltd.

CSR Nanjing Puzhen Co.,Ltd.

China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group Co.,Ltd.

Chief Drafting Staffs:

Qin Guodong Shen Jingyan Shen Dachuan Yu Jiakang Zhou Jian Li Guoqing Chen Shaozhang Xu Mingjie Mao Liliang Shen Hong Wang Xudong Ni Chang Ma Lilan Jin Yuguang Niu Yingming Lu Jinhua Wang Rifan Xue Kezhong Cai Shunli Zhang Suyan Zhao Minghua Yu Bo Zhou Yong Zhu Hong Liu Yang Lou Yongmei Wang Songzi Zhou Xinliu Ma Anquan Yu Songwei Lin Zhenjian Li Changyi Zheng Shengquan

Chief Examiners:

Jiao Tongshan Gao Yucai Zhu Jun Shen Wen Yang Jiaqi Quan Yongshen Ding Shuqui Chu Jingzhi Li Yaozong Bu Changkun Song Jian Chen Fengmin Mo Tingbin Chen Suijiu Feng Boxin Kong Fanda

Announcement of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China


Announcement of PublishingMational Standard Technical Code of Urban Rail Transit

Technical Code of Urban Rail Transit is hereby approved as a national standard with a serial number of GB 50490-2009 and will be implemented from October 01,2009.All the provisions of this Code are mandatory and must be enforced strictly.

This Code is published and distributed by the China Architecture&Building Press under the organization of the Research Institute of Standards and Norms of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China.

Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China

February 23,2009


Announcement of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China


1 General Provisions

2 Terms

3 Basic Requirements

4 Operation

4.1 Train Operating Management

4.2 Passenger Transport Service

4.3 Maintenance

4.4 Rolling Stock Depots

5 Rolling Stock

5.1 General Requirements

5.2 Car Body

5.3 Traction and Brake

5.4 Vehicle Equipment

6 Gauge

7 Civil Engineering

7.1 Route Engineering

7.2 Track and Subgrade

7.3 Architecture

7.4 Structure Engineering

8 Electrical and Mechanical Equipments

8.1 Power Supply System

8.2 Communication System

8.3 Signal System

8.4 Ventilation,Air-condition and Heating Systems

8.5 Water Supply,Drainage and Firefighting Systems

8.6 Automatic Fire Alarm System

8.7 Building Automatic Systems

8.8 Automatic Fare Collection System

8.9 Escalator and Lift

8.10 Platform Screen Door
