冰雪景观建筑技术标准(英文版) GB 51202-2016 现行
Technical Standard for Ice and Snow Landscape Buildings 收藏



主编部门:Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China

主编单位:Harbin Architectural Designing Institute,HarbinWujian Construction Engineering Co.,Ltd.

主要起草人:Hao Gang,Shen Baoyin,Tang Rongbin,Chen Jiliang,Liu Baizhe,Wang Lisheng,Wang Dongtao,Cheng Yan,Che Xingbin,Sun Jingzhong,Wei Fengping,Wang Wenyu,Yang Hongwei,Cao Shengxuan,Peng Junqing,Ma Xinwei,Tao Chunhui,Zhao Zeyuan,Wu Yudan,Xia Qianming,Liu Ruiqiang,Sun Ying,Liu Yang,Yang Fushuang,Zhang Lining,Zhang Shoujian,Su Yikun,Gao Yang,Qi Yilin,Hao Jia,Shen Kai,Jiang Zhiping,Zhao Weixia,Lv Mifeng,Wang Tongjun,Wu Gang,Pu Wenzheng,Ma Zhe,Wu Zhiguo,Dong Chenming,Wu Xiaosong,Su Enming,Chen Xudong,Wang Zijun,Yue Qiang,Tian Lichen,Sun Guimin


标准书号:GB 51202-2016


售价 565.80

The main technical contents of the standard include:1.General Provisions;2.Terms and Symbols;3.Ice and Snow Material Calculation Indicators;4.Design of Ice and Snow Landscape Buildings;5.Construction of Ice and Snow Landscape Buildings;6.Construction of Power Distribution and Illumination;7.Acceptance Check;8.Maintenance Management.

The standard B applicable to the design,construction,acceptance,maintenance and management of ice and snow landscape buildings with ice and snow as the main building materials.

According to the requirements of Document Jian Biao [2013]No.169 issued by Ministry of Construction (MoC)——“Notice on Printing the Development and Revision Plan of National Engineering Construction Standards in 2014”.The drafting committee,after conducting extensive investigation and research,summarizing practical experience carefully,referring to international standard and foreign advanced standard,has revised the standard on the basis of soliciting opinions extensively.

The main technical contents of the standard include:1.General Provisions;2.Terms and Symbols;3.Ice and Snow Material Calculation Indicators;4.Design of Ice and Snow Landscape Buildings;5.Construction of Ice and Snow Landscape Buildings;6.Construction of Power Distribution and Illumination;7.Acceptance Check;8.Maintenance Management.

The provisions in bold type in the standard are compulsory and must be implemented strictly.

The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People’s Republic of China is responsible for the management and interpretation of the compulsory provisions of the standard;Harbin Architectural Designing Institute is responsible for the explanation of the specific technical provisions.For any comments and suggestions in the course of implementation,please contact Harbin Architectural Designing Institute (Address:No.117 Youyi Road,Daoli District,Harbin,Postcode:150010).

Chief Editorial Units:Harbin Architectural Designing Institute HarbinWujian Construction Engineering Co.,Ltd.

JointEditorialUnits:Harbin Academy of Supervision Association Harbin Urban and Rural Construction Committee Harbin Municipal Survey and Design Association Harbin Institute of Technology Harbin Modern Group Co.,Ltd.China Construction Engineering Design Group Corporation Harbin Sai Ge Yin Xiang Design Company Harbin Cultural Tourism Group Co.,Ltd.Academy of Urban-Rural Planning and Design,Sun Yan-sen University Harbin Zhong Tai Enterprise Management Co.,Ltd.Heilongjiang College of Construction

Main Drafters:Hao Gang Shen Baoyin Tang Rongbin Chen Jiliang Liu Baizhe Wang Lisheng Wang Dongtao Cheng Yan Che Xingbin Sun Jingzhong Wei Fengping Wang Wenyu Yang Hongwei Cao Shengxuan Peng Junqing Ma Xinwei Tao Chunhui Zhao Zeyuan Wu Yudan Xia Qianming Liu Ruiqiang Sun Ying Liu Yang Yang Fushuang Zhang Lining Zhang Shoujian Su Yikun Gao Yang Qi Yilin Hao Jia Shen Kai Jiang Zhiping Zhao Weixia Lv Mifeng Wang Tongjun Wu Gang Pu Wenzheng Ma Zhe Wu Zhiguo Dong Chenming Wu Xiaosong Su Enming Chen Xudong Wang Zijun Yue Qiang Tian Lichen Sun Guimin

Main Examiners:Wang Gongshan Zhu Weizhong Yang Shichang He Zhendong Shi Jiaxiang Li Tao Xiang Wei Lv Bin Li Xinze Ma Yan Guo Keguang

English Translators:Ma Xinwei Wang Junping Hao Jia Pu Wenzheng Hao Gang Liu Xiaoping

English Reviser:Malcolm A.Perry (U.K)

Announcement of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China


Announcement on Issuing the National Standard Technical Standard for Ice and Snow Landscape Buildings

Technical Standard for Ice and Snow Landscape Buildings has been approved as a national standard with a serial number of GB 51202-2016.It shall be implemented on July 1,2017,of which Articles 4.3.2,4.3.5,4.3.8,5.1.3,5.5.5 are compulsory provisions and must be enforced strictly.Technical Specification for Ice and Snow Landscape Buildings (JGJ-247-2011) shall be abolished simultaneously.

Authorized by Standard Quota Research Institute of our ministry,this Standard is published and distributed by China Architecture&Building Press.

Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China

October 25,2016


Announcement of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China


1 General Provisions

2 Terms and Symbols

2.1 Terms

2.2 Symbols

3 Ice and Snow Material Calculation Indicators

3.1 Ice Materials

3.2 Snow Materials

4 Design of Ice and Snow Landscape Buildings

4.1 General Requirements

4.2 Scenic Area Planning and Design

4.3 Architectural Design

4.4 Structural Design of Ice Masonry

4.5 Structural Design of Snow Construction

4.6 Illumination Design of Snow and Ice Landscapes

4.7 Intelligentization Design

5 Construction of Ice and Snow Landscape Buildings

5.1 General Requirements

5.2 Construction Survey

5.3 Ice-collecting and Snow-making

5.4 Foundation Construction of Ice Building

5.5 Construction of Ice Masonry

5.6 Construction of Steel Structure in Ice Masonry

5.7 Construction of Watered Icescape

5.8 Ice Sculpture Making

5.9 Ice Lantern Making

5.10 Snowscape Building Construction

5.11 Snow Sculpture Making

6 Construction of Power Distribution and Illumination

6.1 Construction of Power Distribution Cable

6.2 Illumination Construction

7 Acceptance Check

7.1 General Requirements

7.2 Acceptance Check of Dominant Items of Ice Masonry

7.3 Acceptance Check of General Items of Ice Masonry

7.4 Acceptance Check of Dominant Items of Snow Masonry

7.5 Acceptance Check of General Items of Snow Masonry

7.6 Acceptance Check of Power Distribution and Illumination

8 Maintenance Management

8.1 Monitoring

8.2 Maintaining

8.3 Dismantling

Appendix A Influence Coefficients of Bearing Capacity of Ice Masonry

Appendix B Influence Coefficients of Bearing Capacity of Snow Masonry

Appendix C Records of Engineering Quality Acceptance

Appendix D Division Works of Ice and Snow Landscape Buildings

Explanation of Wording in This Standard

List of the Quoted Standards

Modification Explanation

4.3.2 Structural design shall be done for an ice and snow landscape building which has a height ofmore than 10m or allows tourists to go inside for activities or has load exposed on top.

4.3.5 The masonry structures which tourists can directly touch shall be tucked or made into astaircase when their vertical height exceeds 5m.Meanwhile,the following requirements shall be observed:

1 Measures shall be taken against overturn and slippage;

2 The thickness of ice masonries shall not be less than 800mm and be constructed in layers.The cohesion-ratio of the seam shall be no less than 80%;

3 The thickness of snow masonries shall not be less than 900mm and shall be tamped in layers according to the design density value;

4 The distance between the vertical projection of the highest masonry or overhanging part and the outer edge of the landscape’s foundation shall be no less than 600mm.

4.3.8 The design of Ice and snow recreational activity item category shall follow the following requirements:

1 If the height of ice and snow buildings for climbing surpasses 5m,safety devices shall be incorporated,and security-tested devices shall be available.The maintenance devices for safety,an evacuation platform and channel shall be required on the top of the building.

2 The slideway of ice and snow slides shall be plain and smooth.In addition,the following requirements shall be met:

1) The width of the straight slideway shall not be less than 500mm,and the width of curveslideway shall not be less than 600mm; the slideway guardrail shall not be lower than 500mm,and the thickness shall not be less than 250 mm;

2)The slideway guardrail around the bend shall be heightened and reinforced.The guardrail in the curve parts shall not be less than 800mm.Caution signs shall be fixed in the turning slope change area.Buffer shall be provided at the slope end,and the length of the buffer shall be determined by field testing.At the ice-slide’s end,safety facilities shall be available;

3)For sliding activities,skating apparatus shall be applied when the slide length is longer than 30m.The average slope of the slideway without skating apparatus shall not exceed 25° and that with skating apparatus shall not exceed 10°;

4)The skating apparatus shall be made of durable light material and prove qualified through safety testing.

3 For special recreational activities involving ice bicycles,snowmobiles,ice bumper cars and snow bumper cars,safe and eligible products shall be used and protective facilities shall be provided.

5.1.3 For the height of the ice building more than 30m or that of the snow building more than 20m,sedimentation and deformation observation during the construction should be taken.

5.5.5 During the construction,monitoring the temperature of ice masonry should be carried out.When the temperature is higher than the design temperature,or the masonry water cannot be frozen,construction should be suspended and methods should be adopted to protect the ice landscape,such as using shading and wind-proofing,etc.
